Who are these men?

Who are these men??

A month ago when looking through Mum’s information about John and Mary (Akerman) Holt,  found a photocopy of these three men, names unknown and as it was with connected to John Holt, thought they would probably turn out to be Holt lads. Henry Albert Collis

This amazing photos arrived 2 weeks ago from a Henry Albert Collis’ great great grand-daughter, the same photo as above and in greater detail.

I can confirm the gentleman sitting is in fact Henry Collis son of Henry and Hannah Collis and the photos from Henry and Amy’s private album. The two men standing behind Henry remain unknown. Could be Holt, Dean’s or others from Emita perhaps. It was probably sent to other families, explaining why it has turned up in the two places. In time I am sure we will find out………. Louis Konrad 60 Cameron St: 1896 – 1905 a great link citing Tassies photographic history.